Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.
Sehen & Unternehmen Aktivitäten & Veranstaltungen Natur

Bird watching for beginners - a quick start course.

Learn the basics in birdwatching and bird identification during a two-days course in Gotland. You don’t need any basic skills in bird identification – beginners are specially welcomed.

Gotland - home of Golden Eagle
All year round there is a very rich bird life in Gotland. Every season has it´s own unique birdlife. In the summertime, the magnificent eagles breed in Gotland. Here You can find the worlds most dense population of Golden Eagle. Other nice breedning birds are Collared Flycatcher, Scarlet Rosefinch and the elegant Pied Avocet.

• One light lunch.
• One day class, theory and excursion.
• Documentation, diploma and bird checklist.
• Transports during class day.

Date and place 2017

July 3, Hotel Stelor, Västergarn.

08:00 Excursion with a skilled guide.
12:00 Light lunch.
13:00 Summing up the excursion and theory class.
16:00 End of the course. Distribution of diplomas.