Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night
See & do Stays Upsell

Night Safari - experience the magic sounds of the night

Enjoy the magic sounds of the summer night.
Join a night safari and feel the magic sounds from Natures own musicians. The late spring is the time to hear sounds of the night. During a late night tour we go to gotland’s best places for night-singing birds.

Expected species are Thrush Nightingale, Corncrace, Woodcock, Nightjar, Grasshopper Warbler, River Warbler, Spotted Crake and may be Quail. If it a still evening, the concert is intensive. If you are lucky – you have a chance to see an owl hunting.
• Guided Night Safari
• Transport in minibus
• Coffe/Tea and cinnamon bun.

Programme for the Night Safari
20:30 Start Gotland Active Store, Hamngatan 4, Visby. Departure for Roma/Halla.
21:00 We wait for the dusk and listen after the first thrush nightingales and corncrakes.
21:30 Coffe break and then transport to other good places for night sound.
01:30 Return Visby.

Two tours 2019.
May 29 and June 7.